I was only going to clean the air filter on my 2000 K5 and I ended up doing a bit more...
I pulled the seat off discovered that I still have a K&N in there.
In all honesty I hate they way they fit, I hate the reduced area for the dirt to stick to and I never feel as though I'm getting it on there right.

So, out it comes and in goes a new one....
Good thing I had the original cage in my private reserve junk pile...
But, before I put in the cage and filter, in goes a PC Racing Pro-Seal Air filter gasket.
I just love the way these things work, clean the mating surface with some acetone and stick it on.

Next, put the stock cage on and the No Toil dual stage air filter.
They even give you some plastic gloves so you don't get you hands sticky

Put the bolt in and your done.

No grease needed and it fits superbly.
I gotta say I like this combo ...