Author Topic: just bought a ´87 kx250  (Read 44517 times)

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Offline motopunk

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Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
« Reply #75 on: March 17, 2014, 06:02:18 PM »
Looking good. I do miss the camo paint job though  :roll:

goatzilla is in da house...  8-)

hmmm..if it were quality color without rust, i would save it, but the dark green color you could on some points remove with the fingers like a sticker in one part..there were also yellow between, that was splitting. roundabout a very bad paintjob by one of the preowners...
  last year was no time to do it, because the bike must be prepared with fast fingers for race and it made no sense to paint the frame and 2 days later destroy the new paint in a deep mud race...  paint needs some days to dry and harden out in the right way...   :wink: 
« Last Edit: March 17, 2014, 06:50:12 PM by motopunk »
big 2 stroke bikes are weapons for real men, who don´t fear death or devil. ;O)
´83 kx250, ´87 kx250 (with 360 big bore), 87 kx500, ´93 kx500 sfc

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Offline bens87braap

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Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
« Reply #76 on: March 17, 2014, 08:49:03 PM »
wow i wish i found u 5 years ago lol i would have purchased the 89 FMF pipe for my 87 still might now that i no it will fit just didnt want to buy a new pipe to cut it up and make fit then i found the second hand Pro Circuit pipe for the right price :) :)

Offline motopunk

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Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
« Reply #77 on: March 18, 2014, 07:58:46 AM »
wow i wish i found u 5 years ago lol i would have purchased the 89 FMF pipe for my 87 still might now that i no it will fit just didnt want to buy a new pipe to cut it up and make fit then i found the second hand Pro Circuit pipe for the right price :) :)

you made a good deal with the pc-pipe...   :wink: 

oh 5 years ago i had only as half of the knowledge, that i have today... i had only knowledge, of the middle 90´s to today bikes... all started as i bought my 83 kx250 and the big adventure to find parts for it for restoring...
 over the times i had much to learn and now i know quite every part that was mounted on the kx 2stroke 250 and 500 between 1983 and 2008 ... and you would stunning, that a little handful parts  in the last kx250 in 2008 were unchanged since 1978...
big 2 stroke bikes are weapons for real men, who don´t fear death or devil. ;O)
´83 kx250, ´87 kx250 (with 360 big bore), 87 kx500, ´93 kx500 sfc

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Offline Goat

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Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
« Reply #78 on: March 18, 2014, 03:21:57 PM »
Kawi didn't change things unless they could make it worth while. Look at the 500 -88 they found a frame and ergos that carried the bike until 04, 89-04 engines stayed the same except for a few minor parts that can be adapted to fit all those years, They used the "K.I.S.S." and "if it ain't broke don't fix it" mottos lol
It's hard to keep a drivers license riding a 2 stroke dirt bike on the street.  If you drive within the law they are VERY boring.

Offline motopunk

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Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
« Reply #79 on: March 18, 2014, 08:13:16 PM »
Kawi didn't change things unless they could make it worth while. Look at the 500 -88 they found a frame and ergos that carried the bike until 04, 89-04 engines stayed the same except for a few minor parts that can be adapted to fit all those years, They used the "K.I.S.S." and "if it ain't broke don't fix it" mottos lol

the reason for never change the kx500 frame was the fact, that the 500´s class loosed the glory of the old days .. the 250´s would be stronger , easier to ride and much more sold...  when i see the last factory-bike of 91 with the perimeter-frame, that looks for me, that they had could produce it easily, but no interest and so they sold this bike unchanged to 2004 as the sales would so less that they decided to discontinue it and replace it with the kxf450 ..  2003 last europe sales: 8 kx500 . 3 of them here in germany. it should be 4, but i had not enough money at this time and could not do it..  :-o
big 2 stroke bikes are weapons for real men, who don´t fear death or devil. ;O)
´83 kx250, ´87 kx250 (with 360 big bore), 87 kx500, ´93 kx500 sfc

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Offline bens87braap

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Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
« Reply #80 on: March 18, 2014, 08:54:19 PM »
I could see myself trying to hang on to a 500 (not) Im having enough trouble keeping the front down on my 250 lol

Offline Foxx4Beaver

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Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
« Reply #81 on: March 18, 2014, 10:34:04 PM »
I could see myself trying to hang on to a 500 (not) Im having enough trouble keeping the front down on my 250 lol's all about rolling that right wrist...the more you roll it back towards yourself, the wider that grin on your face becomes, simultaneously :mrgreen:
Excuse me, ma'am...but you've got extremely nice legs!!!...what time do they open???                                                                                                     

Offline motopunk

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Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
« Reply #82 on: March 19, 2014, 09:22:24 AM »
I could see myself trying to hang on to a 500 (not) Im having enough trouble keeping the front down on my 250 lol's all about rolling that right wrist...the more you roll it back towards yourself, the wider that grin on your face becomes, simultaneously :mrgreen:

full agreed foxx...  :-D + the stunning faces of all guys that will be frightened for live if they only hear, that it is a 500..  :lol:...
  as i started my k5-project so much people said: nobody needs this widowmaker!.. too much power!.. unrideable!..but nobody of them ever rode any 500..some of them also never tried 2stroke-250´s ..
i answered them: i know what i do! its only the way how you turn the right hand  :evil:...  you should have no fear, but always a little respect..for me it is lot of fun. only that counts...  :-D
big 2 stroke bikes are weapons for real men, who don´t fear death or devil. ;O)
´83 kx250, ´87 kx250 (with 360 big bore), 87 kx500, ´93 kx500 sfc

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Offline Foxx4Beaver

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Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
« Reply #83 on: March 19, 2014, 09:24:31 AM »
I could see myself trying to hang on to a 500 (not) Im having enough trouble keeping the front down on my 250 lol's all about rolling that right wrist...the more you roll it back towards yourself, the wider that grin on your face becomes, simultaneously :mrgreen:

full agreed foxx...  :-D + the stunning faces of all guys that will be frightened for live if they only hear, that it is a 500..  :lol:...
  as i started my k5-project so much people said: nobody needs this widowmaker!.. too much power!.. unrideable!..but nobody of them ever rode any 500..some of them also never tried 2stroke-250´s ..
i answered them: i know what i do! its only the way how you turn the right hand  :evil:...  you should have no fear, but always a little respect..for me it is lot of fun. only that counts...  :-D

A-men to that!! :-D
Excuse me, ma'am...but you've got extremely nice legs!!!...what time do they open???                                                                                                     

Offline motopunk

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Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
« Reply #84 on: March 19, 2014, 10:17:41 AM »
I could see myself trying to hang on to a 500 (not) Im having enough trouble keeping the front down on my 250 lol's all about rolling that right wrist...the more you roll it back towards yourself, the wider that grin on your face becomes, simultaneously :mrgreen:

full agreed foxx...  :-D + the stunning faces of all guys that will be frightened for live if they only hear, that it is a 500..  :lol:...
  as i started my k5-project so much people said: nobody needs this widowmaker!.. too much power!.. unrideable!..but nobody of them ever rode any 500..some of them also never tried 2stroke-250´s ..
i answered them: i know what i do! its only the way how you turn the right hand  :evil:...  you should have no fear, but always a little respect..for me it is lot of fun. only that counts...  :-D

A-men to that!! :-D
 :-D :-D :-D...

 at the moment i try to find a second cheap kx500 motor for my 87 frame or a 85-1990 partsbike for restoring. i dont want to take the motor out of the 93-frame and swap it between the 2 bikes.  we´ll see what happens in the next time...  :-)
big 2 stroke bikes are weapons for real men, who don´t fear death or devil. ;O)
´83 kx250, ´87 kx250 (with 360 big bore), 87 kx500, ´93 kx500 sfc

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Offline motopunk

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Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
« Reply #85 on: March 20, 2014, 07:23:22 AM »
little bit progress today...
took my first handmade adapter from the 83 for copy some details and started the new one for the 87 ...
good to see is the diference between all the adapters. in the last pic is the brembo-brake-adapter that was mounted before to this fork.
 the one and only problem is that the ktm´s and husaberg´s use a 260mm disc. i had could go the easy way and buy the husaberg-front wheel and disc , but i wanted to use the 87 kx-frontwheel and there are no 260 discs available. only 240 and 250... for the later 89-today frontwheels are 250, 260, 270 and for the supermoto-guys also 320mm brakediscs on the market.

actually how it ends up today...
tomorow, when i find enough time, i have to locate the mountings exactly, bore and cut the 8mm threads and build a brake system .

and the poor mans mashine-shop... :-D

big 2 stroke bikes are weapons for real men, who don´t fear death or devil. ;O)
´83 kx250, ´87 kx250 (with 360 big bore), 87 kx500, ´93 kx500 sfc

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Offline Foxx4Beaver

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Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
« Reply #86 on: March 20, 2014, 07:28:50 AM »
and the poor mans mashine-shop... :-D

take it from me...being poor sucks :wink:

nice progress by the way!
« Last Edit: March 20, 2014, 07:31:41 AM by Foxx4Beaver »
Excuse me, ma'am...but you've got extremely nice legs!!!...what time do they open???                                                                                                     

Offline sandblaster

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Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
« Reply #87 on: March 20, 2014, 12:24:53 PM »
Hey, we have the same machine shop  :-D
The four stroke engine: That's one stroke for producing power and three for wearing the engine out.

Offline motopunk

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Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
« Reply #88 on: March 20, 2014, 05:53:22 PM »
and the poor mans mashine-shop... :-D

take it from me...being poor sucks :wink:

nice progress by the way!

 :-D... better to have less money and be a nice man, as having billions and nobody likes you...  :wink:

and thanks..

Hey, we have the same machine shop  :-D

 :-D and with the right talent, we can do wonders with it ...  8-)
big 2 stroke bikes are weapons for real men, who don´t fear death or devil. ;O)
´83 kx250, ´87 kx250 (with 360 big bore), 87 kx500, ´93 kx500 sfc

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Offline motopunk

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Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
« Reply #89 on: March 21, 2014, 08:11:26 AM »
oooops i did it again...  :-)

in this pic from left to right: the ktm/husaberg-brembo-adapter , the actual handmade nissin-adapter for the 87- wp conversion, my other handmade adapter from the 83 kx250 and at least the standard-adapter of the 89- 93 kx-bikes

in the next pics: the caliper on the fork as were it always there in place. i installed a brake hose of a yamaha yz 450, that was in the mail today. it still needs a little bit paint, the master-cylinder and refilling with brake fluid, but the main work is done.. could ride with it tomorow, if i want ...  :-D
big 2 stroke bikes are weapons for real men, who don´t fear death or devil. ;O)
´83 kx250, ´87 kx250 (with 360 big bore), 87 kx500, ´93 kx500 sfc

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