new year and time for update...
first i fixed the transmission of my 87-motor . it wasn´t not as half dramatical as i thought. a snapring was out of direction. gears still looking like new. so i replaced all snaprings and washers..

.. but what i also found in the engine, made me shiney eyes. one of the very rare lighter weight works-cranks is in there. under the seat i found the name of a guy who sold some new kawasaki-vintage parts to me 2years ago. i contacted him and he stated, that my bike must be an ex-team tuf-racing bike, that he imported and raced in 87 and 88 .
now i know, why the engine runs so easy handling, but strong and powerful.

played a little bit with 2003 fenders, because the german importeur for ufo and mayer plastics is out of busines . so its hard to get a new rear 87 fender without paying 5x of the normal price.
sandblasted and painted the camouflage-frame in kawi-green
and... now i can realize my long planned fork-change-project..
out are going the 89 41mm usd-forklegs
and now in going forklegs of a 50mm wp-extreme conventional fork from a husaberg 501.. inner diameter of the upper clamp is the same like the wp-clamps, so i needed only 2 buschings , that my father made for me.
still without frontbrake, but looks awesome. the fork is the best conventional fork, that was ever made and sold to the public. performs like a knife in warm butter