I cant understand why people live there... im along ways north. Reluctant to see a tornado, so its easy for me to ask why people would live through that year after year
I get that question a lot. Of course I could ask you how you live with the cold winters.

The thing about tornadoes is that they aren't very wide, they don't hit very often, and the season is short. They also tend to stay out of the middle of the city. I've lived in OKC 25 years and have only had a tornado near my house once. (Sound of me knocking on wood). The news media does their best to make tornadoes sound like they are constantly happening. I guess you could ask someone why they live on the East coast when a hurricane can hit them. Those things scare me more, because of how wide spread the damage is. To your question of why anyone would live in Oklahoma. Oklahoma is a beautiful state with 10 of the possible 12 terrain types, ranging from mountains to a patch of dessert, to prairies, and even plateaus. From September to June, the weather is beautiful and you can ride the other months if you get up early enough and bring water. The people are kind and helpful, and OKC has really transformed into a fun place to live. If we could just turn off the weather swings, it would be pretty perfect.