Rebuilding the caliper, hummm.....never done that before. How involved is this? Costs?
It's pretty easy, actually. Rebuilding the capliper is really just replacing the pistons and/or piston seals. The two pistons, or "pucks" as I like to call them, aren't really held in there by anything except the seals. With the caliper removed, grab the front brake lever and let it push the pucks as far out as they can go. Drain the fluid, then yank out the pucks (use something that doesn't bung up the pucks if you plan to continue using them, and prepare to get some brake fluid on you even though you thought it was all out of there). You can replace the pucks and the seals together, or just the seals. Unless you see something noticeably wrong with the pucks, I'd just replace the seals and see if that helps (and this would be
after you try all the various bleeding techniques). The part numbers are on Looks like the pucks are about $16 each on
Ron Ayers and the seals are either $8/each or $4/each, depending on which one (looks like each piston has two different seals). I'd bleed that thing everywhich way before rebuilding the caliper.
By the way, Ron Ayers has never let me down...very good delivery times and pretty good prices. You can copy part numbers from and paste them into the "part number search" box. Brings up the item and the price.