Hey guys, i need a right side engine case for my kx250 that was made 12/97. The engine code is kx250ke026136.... Apparently the part number says the 98-99 cases are the same but i was also told that only 94-98 kx250KE Cases will work and according to my research the 99 is the kx250LE series.... So 94-98 are kx250K series and the 99 on is the kx250L SERIES....so is that right or are the 98-99 cases actually compatible?!
you can use 97- 2004 engine-cases.
optical the cases are the same 92-2004. but the devil sits inside
92-96 are another shift forks with smaller diameter to the rods. in 97 came bigger rods .. also were the clutch cover a little bit diferent. if you look good at yours, you will find at the bottom a closed hole on the main-cover and a longer bolt goes through both parts of the clutch cover. thats the update in 97.
on 92-93 is JE stamped in , which means j for the frame 92-93 E = engine and the continuous production number , than k-94-98, L 99-02 and so on..
here is a pic of my 97 clutch cover . you see the closed hole? in 96 sat there another bolt