Author Topic: 2007 KX 250F rolling chassis and top end(?) trouble?  (Read 12173 times)

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Offline delirious_nomad

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2007 KX 250F rolling chassis and top end(?) trouble?
« on: April 22, 2013, 09:10:52 AM »
here is the set up, friend has one, says the top end is making noise doesn't run right... might not run at all... I think I can get t on the cheap and or for free/trade...

OK here is me I am 6'6" and normal weight is about 250, race weight 230-235 give or take. I have rode old XRs my whole life and never jumped on the new 4t bandwagon. I'm probably a B+ enduro rider... ***I used to ride my little brothers stock XR 250 and due to how easy it was to ride I could beat just about anyone on single track, this got me to thinking about this lil 250f

without knowing what is wrong with the engine (they don't even know for sure)... I can have Gorr do the whole engine (if it needs done) which include boring it out for $1900 or I found a new ready to run complete new engine for $1900 (not a big bore or Eric Gorr)...

A would this make an effective woods weapon for me? is it going to be grossly under powered? how do these 250s run compared to say an XR400?

B at what freeking point does one not even bother with these $$$ rebuilds? (it is possible the whole motor doesn't need done) but... is skimping on the bottom end even worth it?

C if one stays on top of these engines and is super anal about servicing and valve adjustment how many hours are they good for?

should I just buy a KX 500 and do the conversion?

Thanks in advance...
« Last Edit: April 22, 2013, 10:43:58 AM by delirious_nomad »

Offline don46

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Re: 2007 KX 250F rolling chassis and top end(?) trouble?
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2013, 10:09:06 AM »
First, the KX250f is a great little bike, I had 250f's from 04-09, loved them that was my primary ride didn't get a 10 but did get a 11 (fuel injected)didn't like it, probably rode it 3 times got rid of it and got a 12 450. I weigh about 200 and it packed me around fine play riding but honestly I think it would have been underpowered to race. as for dependability, I never had issues but I take anal to a new level, pistons, valves and cam chains often, so are they worth it? only you can answer that question, they for sure cost more to keep on the trail, so, having said this, I would probably go for the conversion, it will clearly carry you and be much less expensive to maintain.
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Offline jBernard

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Re: 2007 KX 250F rolling chassis and top end(?) trouble?
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2013, 10:47:02 AM »
if youre really getting that thing for free/trade. then i'd go AF conversion on it.
Im not into the 4 strokes, but if it were a 450 i may say dump some $$$ into it and rebuild it.

i put my 09 250f engine with 20hrs on the top end on ebay and got around 1200$ for it, thats with cdi/eletrical harness, and a carb. really thought i could have gotten more out of it, but people are leery of picking up 250f engines used.

if i were you, id pull the engine, try to get 600$ on ebay, and use that $ to pick up a nice 500 engine for about 1200.

my .02
'09 KX500AF - never ending project
'14 KTM 300SX

Offline delirious_nomad

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Re: 2007 KX 250F rolling chassis and top end(?) trouble?
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2013, 12:59:14 PM »
I got it.... I had an 81 ATC 200 his mom wanted so it is done and in the back of my van...

service manual inbound and then the head comes off to see just what in the heck is going on...

I think I should be arrested because I do believe I just stole it...

Offline delirious_nomad

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Re: 2007 KX 250F rolling chassis and top end(?) trouble?
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2013, 01:07:48 PM »
oh hey... I used to have the link to the place that does the frame work for the 500AF conversion...

anyone have it as I haven't been able to relocate them...

thanks way in advance or in the back of my van... (I love saying that ;) )

Offline don46

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Re: 2007 KX 250F rolling chassis and top end(?) trouble?
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2013, 04:42:55 AM »
if your thinking of MPS, don't. do a little search there are several members that have not had good luck. A friend had one that never ran no matter what he did.
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Offline delirious_nomad

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Re: 2007 KX 250F rolling chassis and top end(?) trouble?
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2013, 08:30:05 AM »
hey Don, no that wasn't who I originally had found but I have since found MPS. I recall seeing a company that would do the frame work. I don't want anything else done, just the frame. because around here I am going to have to have a shop that builds trailers or whatever do all the fab as I cannot weld AL...

so it would pay for me tho have it done and heat treated by people who do it regularly...
« Last Edit: May 30, 2013, 02:56:49 PM by delirious_nomad »