There were some issues, but not the wrist pin end of the rod. It almost looks like the cylinder didn't get hurt, set of cases and a crank and you might be in business. You say 15 hrs, is this from new or from a rebuild, and if rebuild is that a stock crank or aftermarket? Do you have a good relationship with your dealer? I know mine would go to bat for me and probably get Kawasaki to fix it. most of the early issues with the 250f was around tranny bearings, no rod issues. looking again that crank doesn't look stock, aftermarket cranks have been known to fail, I only use OEM complete or Carrillo rods, they cost more but are worth it in the long run. I don't think the 12 would make a good AF project, with only one spring you may not be able to get a heavy enough spring for the 500.