Hey Time Out here Gents,
The comment on the shift light surely doesn't seem to necessitate the vitriol shot back at Alward.
A simple "Thanks A lot Pal" would have (I think) diffused the situation much quicker than the retaliation and then counter...
One seven I am sorry it struck such a deep nerve, If you had any association with Alward on the site prior to the comment he made, I assure you he was not personally attacking you.
Don you are right, I don't think Alward was looking to stick it to a new member, a spur of the moment flippant comment was just thrown out there as a wisecrack (I believe.)
I don't think anyone else thought it was that bad, but you are right. Cheap Shot?
maybe, malicious intent? None intended. Now if Motorrad had said it..

I am hoping this doesn't go any further, One Seven I can't help with the motor,
I'm sorry your not being around here much or long has left you feeling attacked, the guys here have helped myself and countless others. You are in a bad situation no doubt, the dealer sounds to be willing at least to help you. I have had friends who lost their engine not much after yours went and was told,
"The Bike Has no Implied Warranty, You signed the paperwork"
I would hate to see Danger or one of the other guys shut this down on account we can't play nice. Now back to your regularly scheduled forum thread!