Author Topic: Move?!  (Read 3500 times)

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« on: September 13, 2012, 05:18:00 PM »
So ... Me and the wife have discussed leaving Kalifornia...   :-o

Scary when I currently live 2 city blocks from where I grew up...

Been talking heavy about New Mexico .     


Offline Brute

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Re: Move?!
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2012, 05:31:23 PM »
Wife and I made lists separately Pro's and Con's, then compared and talked about it when we were thinking about moving across the country. Part of the decision comes down to "Why?", but sometimes it is just wanting a change. We decided not to, and it worked out as my job was outsourced less then a year later (along with 4500 of my fellow workers) after 25 years with the same company. Other then the job I would have gone to at the time there is not a lot of work there so it would have been very rough had we gone. Found work right away here.
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Re: Move?!
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2012, 05:41:32 PM »
Wife and I made lists separately Pro's and Con's, then compared and talked about it when we were thinking about moving across the country. Part of the decision comes down to "Why?", but sometimes it is just wanting a change. We decided not to, and it worked out as my job was outsourced less then a year later (along with 4500 of my fellow workers) after 25 years with the same company. Other then the job I would have gone to at the time there is not a lot of work there so it would have been very rough had we gone. Found work right away here.

I love the idea of making separate lists.   didnt think of that.. we have just had discussions.    Thanks for that Brute...

Wife is a school teacher, and because her credential is in california, can move anywhere.   Transfer her Time/retirement etc.   (she has 8 years at this point).

One reason we are thinking of relocating... all the wonderfull california budget cuts,  we are 90% sure they will Nail me this year. (been there 6 years, bastards)  San Diego isnt sustanable on one income (even though she pulls in 68,000)     Thats "live in apartment" money here...   

There is a job opening in New mexico for her... that would hit her a 5,000 pay cut... but housing is about 25% the cost, and so is utilitys, etc etc etc.    we ran the math, and we could live VERY happy on just her income....

Im also tired of the California Politics, Gun laws, taxs, and city..    Im a small town kind of guy...

Just looked up....   My city (county) of san diego has 1,000,000 MORE people in it than ALL of New Mexico...   :-o
« Last Edit: September 13, 2012, 05:43:27 PM by Motorrad »

Offline Danger4u2

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Re: Move?!
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2012, 09:00:31 PM »
I've been to New Mexico a few times, 3 times to ski and once to pick up my Concours.  I have nothing but positive.  I forgot, on my way to California, to move my parents belongings back to OK., we were driving thru Albuquerque about 7:30a.m., rush hour traffic.  I was just going with the flow, turns out it was 78 in a 55, so I was told by the City cop driving a marked pickup.  I had all my paper work in a zipper flap in my suitcase in the back of the truck.  Truck title, insurance card, proof of ownership on the trailer.  Other than my brothers suitcase it was the only thing in the back of the truck.  He asked for the insurance card.  I said "It's in the suit case, let me get it for you".  He said if I step out of the truck he would have to arrest me.  Never did say why, he took my license and went back to his car.  He came back and said he knew I was going with the flow but the trailer was his concern.  I might change lanes and forget the trailer is behind me.  Might clip a car.  He gave me my license, told me to slow it down and have a safe trip.  So that's a positive, no ticket.
I would suggest OK., but the public schools suck/low pay to teachers.  We have one of the better economies, low taxes and cheap housing.  
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 01:58:18 AM by Danger4u2 »
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Re: Move?!
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2012, 09:31:53 AM »
Yea.. you can keep OK... was neet to ride through on the trans america trail... thats it..  too cold,  too much weather.    (remember where I live, there is one forcast, sunny and 75deg)..   and flat... NOT ENOUGH SAND...

Im a desert guy..   happy when im near it. love to ride in it. etc.

I would avoid the big citys.

Im actually looking at   Socorro NM   and Alamogordo.        would love to live in Northern NM.. as its BEAUTIFUL..    but it snows... snow is a deal breaker for me.

and you can keep the bible belt ..    I delt with that when I did the Trans america trail... and swear I was gonig to be run out of town because I was riding a motorcycle across country a day I should have been in church...     KFC almost wouldnt surve us..   us standing in line with our Dualsport motorcycle clothes on (slightly muddy) as the church across the street let out, and the ENTIRE town comes over to KFC for their buffet, in their sunday best....        it was like we were fellons..   parents literaly pulling their kids behind them so their kids wernt between them and us..     very... DIFFERANT from what Im used to.

I've been to New Mexico a few times, 3 times to ski and once to pick up my Concours.  I have nothing but positive.  I forgot, on my way to California, to move my parents belongings back to OK., we were driving thru Albuquerque about 7:30a.m., rush hour traffic.  I was just going with the flow, turns out it was 78 in a 55, so I was told by the City cop driving a marked pickup.  I had all my paper work in a zipper flap in my suitcase in the back of the truck.  Truck title, insurance card, proof of ownership on the trailer.  Other than my brothers suitcase it was the only thing in the back of the truck.  He asked for the insurance card.  I said "It's in the suit case, let me get it for you".  He said if I step out of the truck he would have to arrest me.  Never did say why, he took my license and went back to his car.  He came back and said he knew I was going with the flow but the trailer was his concern.  I might change lanes and forget the trailer is behind me.  Might clip a car.  He gave me my license, told me to slow it down and have a safe trip.  So that's a positive, no ticket.
I would suggest OK., but the public schools suck/low pay to teachers.  We have one of the better economies, low taxes and cheap housing.  
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 01:59:15 AM by Danger4u2 »

Offline Brute

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Re: Move?!
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2012, 05:02:23 PM »
Now that there have been other reply's... My wife lived in NM for some time. LOVED IT. We have talked about retiring there but have not done anything as yet. We both like the desert. Desert Steppe in E Washington, one step above desert. We spend a lot of time on that side of the Washington. NM would be nice!
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Offline maddoggy

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Re: Move?!
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2012, 07:33:05 PM »

I've been to New Mexico a few times, 3 times to ski and once to pick up my Concours.  I have nothing but positive.  I forgot, on my way to California, to move my parents belongings back to OK., we were driving thru Albuquerque about 7:30a.m., rush hour traffic.  I was just going with the flow, turns out it was 78 in a 55, so I was told by the City cop driving a marked pickup.  I had all my paper work in a zipper flap in my suitcase in the back of the truck.  Truck title, insurance card, proof of ownership on the trailer.  Other than my brothers suitcase it was the only thing in the back of the truck.  He asked for the insurance card.  I said "It's in the suit case, let me get it for you".  He said if I step out of the truck he would have to arrest me.  Never did say why, he took my license and went back to his car.  He came back and said he knew I was going with the flow but the trailer was his concern.  I might change lanes and forget the trailer is behind me.  Might clip a car.  He gave me my license, told me to slow it down and have a safe trip.  So that's a positive, no ticket.
I would suggest OK., but the public schools suck/low pay to teachers.  We have one of the better economies, low taxes and cheap housing.  
what the heck does the areas dominant religion have to do with why to or not to move to that specific area? the place is either nice or it isn't. thats it! you're talking religion and breakin your own rule danger.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 02:00:06 AM by Danger4u2 »

Offline Danger4u2

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Re: Move?!
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2012, 02:07:35 AM »
what the heck does the areas dominant religion have to do with why to or not to move to that specific area? the place is either nice or it isn't. thats it! you're talking religion and breakin your own rule danger.

You are so correct.  Reprimanded.  Deleted.
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Re: Move?!
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2012, 05:34:23 PM »
My BMW is jellous of my KTM...   and wanted to get exercised

If any of you losers are going to be in new mexico over the next 2 weeks. text me / call me and let me know where and when.

riding around new mexico for the next 2 weeks ( (leaving in 7 hours, should be back home around the 5th of october)

and if you are there as well... first 2 rounds are on me!

« Last Edit: September 22, 2012, 05:46:14 PM by Motorrad »


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Re: Move?!
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2013, 03:47:07 AM »
d**n...   just found a job that would pay the bills in NM.  to move.    Professional Treasure hunter!
« Last Edit: March 01, 2013, 03:57:41 AM by Motorrad »

Offline kxpegger

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Re: Move?!
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2013, 04:21:21 AM »
Left Kalifornia in "99". Me and my wife were in the 10% state income tax bracket. Both of us had great jobs! I worked at Solar Turbines at the Kearny Mesa plant as an Instrumentation/Controls Technician. We soon realized after I retired from the Navy that the taxation, politics and other high costs of living was really zapping our "pursuit of happiness" while our incomes were going up. She had a job opportunity to transfer here to Las Vegas and that's all the motivation we needed to move. I quit the best job I ever had, Solar Turbines, to get away from all the Kalifornia crap. I landed a job with Scenic Airlines here in Vegas as I also have an FAA Powerplant and Airframe Mechanic's license. Did that for a year and then got on with Clark County Water Reclamation District as a Controls Tech which pays a little better and much better benefits especially the retirement. Me and my wife gave ourselves about a 10% increase in living standard the minute we crossed the border.

All my hobbies and interests came under attack in Kalifornia too! Black ugly guns, hot rodding and of course off-roading.

Is Las Vegas the best place in the whole wide world to live and my answer would be no. Is it better for all the above stated reasons then Kalifornia...yes!

By the way I grew up in Central California, lived in Northern California for a few years and spent about 22 years in the San Diego area while in the Navy and a few years after retirement and often visit my old high school buddy in Bakersfield. My California experience is not related to one area. The whole state is jacked up!
North Las Vegas

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