The biggest pain with doing sour dough is trying to use it all, finding numerous ways to use it really helps. I think I have my crepe recipe to the point I feel I can share it.
2 C sour dough starter in it's runny first thing in the morning state
3/4 C flour
3 eggs room temp eggs are best in baked goods
1 Tbs powdered vanilla
3/4 C Warm milk
Combine ^these^ in a bowl, warming the eggs & milk will help propagate the sour dough cultures. At this point my measuring goes out the window, use an additional 1/2 C +or- additional warm water or milk. Your looking for the flour to almost fall out of suspension in the combination. At this point you could let it stand for 45 minutues but its not necessary.
You can tell when you hit the proper +or- on the half cup when the mix flows out well & goes from a pancake / sponge texture to a slick surface texture. Heres a pic that might illustrate

Slick on the left pancake on the right

You can only eat so many crack biscuits. Sorry the recipe is a little vague, I generally dont measure when I cook. I have a pancake / waffle recipe to if you want. Its about as vague , my wife gets mad cause I make it & she's like "d**n thats good ,whats the recipe"

She has a really good actual "recipe" for unfed starter pizza dough. She cooks awesome but needs the rule book