I have no idea which model.
It says Otter Box on it.
I bought it used off eBay for 18 bucks.
So far it has performed perfectly.
A friend of mine who suggested I get the Otter has dropped his numerous times including once from about 8 feet on concrete.
His phone still works great.
I run the otter box defender (the old crazy one)..
I have dropped mine off a highschool GYM roof (about 2 storys) onto concrete.. it lived..
has fallen out of my pocked 100's of times.. been dropped..... lived.
I have run over it with motorcycles.. Lived....
fell out of my pocket into the lathe... flung across the room.... Lived..
sucks.. because my phone is old.. (orignal 3g ) but I cant bring myself to replace it because its still good... all because of the otter box.