You can do it.
Go to any screen on your pc.
When you get the view you want, hit the "Print Screen" button on your keyboard.
The "Print Screen" button is usually a little different on different keyboards.
On my lap top it is labeled "PrtSc".
Then, open the "Paint" program that comes on any PC with a Microsoft operating system.
When the program opens hit the "Ctrl" and the "V" key at the same time.
The picture should now appear.
If it does not appear, go to the tool bar (Upper left of your screen) and click on "Edit" and then "Paste" if you are running Windows XP or older.
If you are running Windows 7 go to the tool bar (Upper left of your screen) and click on "Paste".
Now, you can edit, resize, draw lines, save it, whatever

If you use a mac, your on your own