Nothin like getting 32+ inches of snow in 16 hours with near hurricane force winds at 71mph!!
My yard looks like Hiro-(F'n)-Shima...I'm surrounded by 60'-80' pine trees,and lost 4 of them...two hit my barn,does'nt look like any structural damage...won't know till I can get inside and inspect.We lost power at 9:40ish Friday night,it just came back on at 7:30 this morning...thank God was 44.6 degrees in my place this morning

The s***y part is,I can't get my sled outa my barn and go ripping around,cause there's an 80' pine dangerously leaning two feet right in front of the doors

Once I can actually walk around without being up to my neck in snow drifts(literally),I'll snap some pics.