i have the shorties on mine, standard perch for clutch (doesnt follow the bar line, so the ball tip sits up at an angle like | / instead of | | although its only 1/8th inch heigh diffrence.
they feel great and alot better than stockers. i come from bmx and have always used 1 finger for brakes and cant break the habit.. so the shorties work great for that.
i had my bike leaned up against a tree (forgot my triangle) and as soon as i let go of it and turned around i hear it crash.. landed on nothing but the ASV lever.. bent it about 70* (asv wont warranty bends) so i tried bending it back and snapped it instead (asv will warranty them if you break them by trying to bend them back, or you can send it in and theyll try and bend it back for you) so they replaced it for free.. which is nice to know!