Been lurking here and wearing out the server for a while time to get wet.....and Green!
52 YO, retired US Army -Combat Engineer & Paratrooper
Riding racing in the dirt since oh.....1972 - more later.

Starting point: Gonna do a SF build on a KX500 motor
Questions1. Looking at two KX5 bikes - both complete, all stock and low hour with titles. Bike #1 is a '93 @ $1200, bike #2 is a 2000 @ $1800 = Which one to choose and why (Eric Gorr is going two get which ever one I do get regardless).
2. Which year is preferred for a SF KX250 base? 02 when they switched to 48mm forks or anything between the 99-02 years or ?..
Target is do it all, vintage mx ( we have a class for 1/2 liter smokers) and woods and just stupid grins.
Thanx in advance!
Lots of knowledge on this board, excited to get moving- in fact the plan is to snag the KX 5 this weekend - winter project and all!