Sounds like you did the same PW80 thing I did, extend the shock mount tab on the swingarm (a 2nd hole) to raise the rear end. I had to add a chain roller to handle the slack. On the detune part, I have been doing lots of thinking on the same thing for an 250MXer for my wife. Kind of like the reverse KDX200 thing, corking it instead of uncorking it. Here's what I have come up with so far.
- reed spacer (more bottom end)
- flywheel weight (more grunt)
- close off the airbox top, ie make a cover with a smaller hole (slows the air, slows the power) Stock KDX200 cover may work (should be lots around gathering dust)
- muffler insert, ie I was going to make a round insert to put inside the pipe where the muffler attaches to reduce the ID of the tailpipe (more backpressure = slower power & quieter)
- unhooking the powervalve will also take away top end and enhance bottom end
Keep it mind that I haven't actually done this yet but I know it will all work and may not all be required. That is a good idea to do that to the 85. I would like to get an 85 for my son for the great suspension, but the power is too severe. The detune is a good option. Cam.