Replate, replate, replate!!! If you are very fast, you will HATE a sleeve. There is only one company that I allow to do this work, as they do the replate work for most of the factory teams. Here is the link (check out the testimonials): actually have two cylinders so I have not down time. However, I know that RPM also has a replacment program that works pretty well.
As for miles, yup, I ride a lot, as I'm trying to get all the riding in possible before I die. This summer, I even spent 9 days in the mountains camping over the 4th of July, and rode just under 700 miles, but then again, I was trying to get back in shape after my broken collarbone. Oh yea, it worked...
Also, today I picked up enough oil to mix 50 gallons of gas, so think I am set through the rirst part of November...I hope.
Good luck.