When mounting a pipe on your bike. Those mounting tabs on the pipe have to be square and paralell to the mount on the frame. If there not either the mount breakes or the mount welded to the frame breaks. I've seen on brand new pipes you have to bend a little to get them square and paralell. hang the pipe from the springs and start with the front mount left side of bike, get that one square and para. now do the one under the gas tank, then the last one by the shock. Remember if you look at the dampner and it looks squished on one side and stretched on the other its not right. If you leave it like that, it will break alot sooner then normal. Your putting alot of stress on that rubber part. Here I'll explain it like this. If you grab your wifes/girl friends hair, and pull it now keep pulling it tight, guess what hair will come out. If you tighten that dampner, and its not square and paralell, it will come out break. Now back to your wife/girl friend, she's going to kick your ass if you do that. So will your K5. Its not just bolting the pipe up and call it good. Those tabs/mount have to be square.