Thanks again for the cool response!

But now that ive managed to sucker some of you in with a cool vid, im about to pop the dreaded of all dreaded questions...............wait for it...............Hows my JETTING! lol.
goes like this: I bought the bike recently, cleaned the filter and added my running gear an been crack'n on it since. Durring the climbing video you watched, i had some detonation goin on at both part throttle and WOT near the top of the crest when engine temps were at their highest. Nothing to obnoxious, but cause for concern. Tonight i dug in and this is what i found:
Stock carb
stock cage
carbon fiber reeds
N82M needle w/ the clip at its highest groove
52 pilot
162 main @ 1 turn out on the air screw.
elevation - 849 ft
Temperatures between 70 and 90 deg and no internal engine mods im aware of.
With that said, and you heard the bike sounded pretty good. My first K5 n all, im sure this set up has room for improvement.
I cant afford a V2 or rad valve quite yet, but besides that, any advise will be greatly appreciated and applied. Thanks!