Author Topic: i'll never ride an XR again  (Read 1450 times)

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Offline wierdo

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i'll never ride an XR again
« on: May 03, 2012, 11:05:36 PM »
So i went for a ride with my mate along our usual route and got to the turn around point, i asked my mate if he would like a ride on my freshly broken in k5, which he jumped on and mentioned that his xr650 had a bald back tire, my reply was "ok i'll just go easy on the way back" which is exactly what i did. We had made out of the bush and onto the dirt road, i was doing about 80kph ( i was doing over 120kph on the way out at the same bend on the 500 :-D) going around a long sweeper bend and the back tire hit a small puddle which kicked the back wheel out to my right and into full lock, i managed to save it but then it swung back to the left and hit full lock on that side, i saved that one as well. This was when i was thinking "thank **** thats over" and then all hell broke loose as it kicked back out to my right again and high sided. Launching me from one side of the track to the other, hitting the pushed up dirt on the edge of the road which then sent me into a cartwheel ( i think, judging by all the impact marks i left behind) i eventually came to a stop on top of a log, winded, left hand felt like it had been smashed by a sledgehammer ( only the little finger escaped injury), a big graze down one side of my helmet and a huge bruise on my right hip/ lower back. needless to say i wanted  an ambulance and some pain relief.
2 weeks on, my left hand is still stuffed, my left knee is a lot better, my back is finally letting me sneeze, cough and walk relatively pain free ( well compared to the first week anyway)  and the dizziness is slowly getting better.
My mates XR needs a new dash ( completly smashed to peices) a new fuel tank( my left knee smashed a huge dent into it) and new plastics, everything else needs an oxy to straighten out.
people who know me ask "so what did u learn" and i tell them
if your gonna crash do it on some else's bike,
ride fast as you will skim across the ground instead of bouncing,
dont ride big red, heavy, under powered peices of crap.