Great, an off topic I can really sink my teeth into. First, leave all your guns home. Buy bear pepper spray. A Brown Bear has a nose 10x stronger than a blood hound, this will really mess them up. A bullet will just piss them off. If they are charging at you and want to assert themselves, stand your ground. They can count, they see strength in numbers. I have had a number of bear encounters when I lived in Kodiak and was in many parts of Alaska. Make noise if you are out and about in their woods. Clean up your food. If they want it, give it to them. Your bullet placement with a big gun in a panic if you need to use it will be about as effective as throwing rocks, and like I said before, it will just piss them off. They are the ultimate ATV. I have heard, "if you are chased by a bear run downhill." They can run upwards of 45 mph, uphill, downhill, through heavy brush, across rocks, across streams. Unless you can run for about 10 minutes just faster than them. They can keep heat in but, don't get it out as good. They get very hot from running for long distances. Don't count on this helping you. If you have a problem, it will be fairly close and the spray in the face will jack them up the quickest. If you shoot them with a gun they can still see you and continue to maul you

Also, if you are going north and want to head into Canada you cannot take your gun.
Hope this helps