Yes i know, have been under the radar for some months.
Have a different job for about six months now. Used to be a agriculture mechanic( or something like that)
And now I repair cargo transporters on Schiphol(Hollands Biggest airport). Worked 9 years at my old boss
wich was my first real job( I'm 30).
Have been building my own garage for the bikes, taken a lot of money and time. Much more than I was planning to.
And have been hooked up with Tractorpulling, started 4 years ago at my old work with a stock tractor.
I like to build and make stuff. Realy enjoyed making my AF, finding out how to balance my crank( wich still have to do).
With a friend/ old colleague I have been rebuilding a 6 cilinder diesel the last 3/4 year. And now we are bolting the engine to the gearbox. At May 12 we have to be ready for the race. Only there;s a 20years differents withe the engine and the rest of the tractor. 5 vs 6 cilinder, air vs water cooling, old vs much newer model. And we were told it could fit, well quess it's not. But when the weather is working with me and the money. Ill start finisching my garage because now
I don't realy have a place to work on my bike. Then I can balance my crank and rebuild the engine.
I even have a SPECIAL Lowboy exhaust from SPES, the one I talked about once. And a normal K5 Spes.
I haven't stopped reading KXRiders and searching for info or idea's for my AF and the KX500. Only need the time, place and money to futfill my dreams. That's the probleme we all have i quess

And for my litlle girl. She's doing real good. She makes up for the pain that it tahes to long to make my goals.
So it's doing fine with me, just a long winter depression I quess

And for the pipe, if you have so much alu. I think that a alu pipe works about the same.
It may be thikker, but heat transfers much better. And heat is a good thing with pressure waves what I've heard. Thats wy 4stroke exhaust ar made from Titanium(wel the best once). it can be thinner , so it heats up faster.