Picked up a package deal with a Kx500 and a KX80 big wheel, and just had to have them. The KX80 is for everybody to use around the family farm, and the KX500 is going to be the culmination of an idea that has been brewing for a loooong time. I've always wanted a 2 stroke 500 supermoto for an hooligan/around town bike for the days that i need to yank a wheelie or two and put a smile on my face. I'm still debating who to order my wheels from, I'm pretty sold on the Shinko 705 tires, and I need to order a lighting stator and light kit so I can plate this thing. For now, though, i'm just going to focus on getting the supermoto part done. Where I live at, cops dont really pay much attention to motorcycles, and I doubt anybody would even notice i didnt have a plate. LOL! Here's some pics of the bikes.

I'm guessing the KX80 is a 92-97 from pictures that I've seen, does that look about right? I know I just need to call Kawi and have them check the Vin. I'll see you guys around in the supermoto section!